Monthly Meeting of the Taxpayers' Association of Jamestown
Monthly meeting of the Taxpayers' Association of Jamestown
Monthly meeting of the Taxpayers' Association of Jamestown
Planning Meeting - A conversation with friends.
2918 Plant Sale Planning Meeting
A Six-Week Writing Workshop with Roger Marshall
If you have ever wanted to write a book, be it non-fiction or a novel, this six evening seminar course is intended to give you the information you need to find a topic, develop a proposal, produce a good first chapter and enable you to take your proposal to an agent or self publish your work. Each evening will begin with a critique of the homework done the previous week.
League of Women Voters RI monthly board of directors meeting
monthly LWVRI board of directors board meeting
Planning meeting
The Jamestown Library Board of Trustee Monthly Meeting.
The Public is welcome.
The Jamestown Library Board of Trustee Monthly Meeting.
The Public is welcome.
The Jamestown Library Board of Trustee Building Renovation Committee meeting.
The Public is welcome.