Painting Group
Painting group.
Painting group.
Knitting instruction for beginners and project assistance for the more experienced knitter with Nancy Mowbray.
Meets the second and fourth Monday of the month from 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Newcomers and drop-ins are welcome
Free and open to the public
Program sponsored by the Friends of Jamestown Philomenian Library
Jamestown Historical Society Annual Meeting
Business meeting and election of officers begins at 7 p.m. followed at 7:30 by a presentation, “The History of the Newport Bridge: A Monument to Perseverance,” by James M. Ricci, author of the recently published The Newport Bridge. Ricci's talk is co-sponsored by the Jamestown Philomenian Library.
All are welcome.
Join, Helen Van Cleef for a talk on her recent trip to Bolivia.
Helen's Photography will be on display.
Beavertail Lighthouse Museum Association will hold its Annual Meeting, election of new officers, a guest speaker and light refreshments.
Annual Flu Shot Clinic - Brought to you by The Friends of The Jamestown Philomenian Library
Emily's student year end recital
Monthly meeting of the Jamestown Women's Club.
book club
Painting group.