
Library Closed for Columbus Day Holiday

The library will be closed on Saturday, October 6 and Monday, October 8 for Columbus Day.

The eWaste Recycling program will take place outside the library on Saturday, October 6 from 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. There will be no entry into the library at this time. The presentation by Paranormal Researcher Jeff Belanger on Monday, October 8 at 7:00 p.m. will take place in the Meeting Hall at the library. The rest of the library will be closed during this event.

Starting next Sunday, October 14, we will be open on Sundays from 1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.

Learn What You Can Do About the Invasive Emerald Ash Borer Found in RI This Summer

Heather Faubert, research associate in URI’s Department of Plant Sciences and Entomology, will speak on the emerald ash borer which was found in RI in July 2018. This beetle is native to northeastern Asia and is highly destructive to ash trees in North America. Heather will cover the beetle’s biology, damage it causes, how to prevent it, how to identify it and management techniques including biological control.She will also talk briefly about the defoliation of oaks in Jamestown due to caterpillars and attacks from bark beetles.

Author Presentation - Patsie McCandless

Presentation by former resident, artist/author Patsie McCandless, on her forthcoming book entitled
"Becoming Jesse: Celebrating the Everyday Magic of Childhood"
You are born with magic. We all are. Here’s your chance to re-ignite and revel in your magic.
Jesse O’Neil is an orphan boy of comic charm and soul-lighting wonder, raised by his much loved grandmother, Dearie – a once-upon-a-time Irish gypsy, who owns her own theater in 1950’s NYC —and his entertaining young uncle, Conor, who is studying to be an actor.

Hurricane Preparedness and Safety in Jamestown with Chief Mello

Hurricane Preparedness and Safety in Jamestown with Chief Mello

Do you know when you need to act and what actions to take during a Watch, Warning or during a hurricane?  The risks involved in going out during the storm for you and responders? 

Do you have a Disaster Kit? Where do you need to go? Are pets allowed? Pick up handouts with specific directions and get your questions answered.

Wake of '38

Wake of '38

In 1973, WSBE (then "Channel 36" now "Rhode Island PBS") marked the 35th anniversary of the hurricane by making a documentary, using archival footage and interviews with survivors. The dramatic story won an Emmy Award for WSBE.



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