Vocational Meeting
Vocational meeting between client and counselor.
Vocational meeting between client and counselor.
Jamestown Soccer Association meeting for all Rec soccer coaches.
Monthly meeting.
tutoring session
Residential Zero Energy Homes (ZEH) & Stretch Codes - We will explore basic design considerations required to achieve low-load homes. The presentation will also identify construction techniques and best practices that are critical to achieve high-performance buildings and provide an understanding of the certification process and the role of consultants, standards, and verification. Finally, the provisions of the newly introduced voluntary Rhode Island Residential Stretch Code will be summarized.
personal work with clients
Coyote Documentary: Filming Interview Numi Mitchell
We will be setting up 2 cameras and lights to conduct an interview with Numi Mitchell of the Coyote study
This form requires Event Location information, but I believe Debra said the Museum was available for us to use at this time.
need a quiet tutoring room for reading instruction (tutor and my 8 year old son)