Virtual Chorus recording
Individual members of the chorus will record their part in a video for use in the 75th anniversary concerts.
Individual members of the chorus will record their part in a video for use in the 75th anniversary concerts.
The library is closed for the Thanksgiving Holiday Thursday, November 28 - Friday, November 29.
We will reopen on Saturday, November 30 at 9:00 a.m.
The library is closed for the Thanksgiving Holiday Thursday, November 28 - Friday, November 29.
We will reopen on Saturday, November 30 at 9:00 a.m.
Work Call
Individual members of the chorus will record their part in a video for use in the 75th anniversary concerts.
Board Meeting
Time to work quietly
person use - interview (11am-12)
Monthly board meeting of the Jamestown Philomenian Library Board of Trustees.