Taxpayers' Association of Jamestown Monthly Meeting
Monthly meeting of the Taxpayers' Association of Jamestown.
Monthly meeting of the Taxpayers' Association of Jamestown.
Monthly meeting of the Jamestown Tree Preservation & Protection Committee
Professor Mackubin Owens will offer a public lecture on U.S. Foreign Policy.
CIAA pick up of Photography and drop off for “Sky Above-Earth Below”
Presentation and discussion on how Jamestown's successful 1950's fight against a North End oil refinery is being relived today in Northwest Rhode Island.
Sponsored by Our State/Our Future RI
Pick Up of unaccepted Photography at Jamestown Library
10:00 -1:00 . Please be aware , library has limited storage space if you cant pick up your work, email to make arrangerments.
CIAA Photography Show - The Focal Point
Jurying and hanging of the Show
Juror: Internationally Acclaimed Photographer - Daniel Forster
More information on web-
Pick up Photography -The Focal Point - Library
Pick up Photography. The Focal Point
Jamestown Soccer Coaches Meeting