Lotus Lantern workshop - FULL
Friends of the Jamestown Philomenian Library - Present a Lotus Flower Lantern Craft - Zoom Workshop
Friends of the Jamestown Philomenian Library - Present a Lotus Flower Lantern Craft - Zoom Workshop
1 student
For November's Book Club, we will be reading
BABY JAM (Babies up to 24 months)
STORY TIME (for chi
STORY TIME (for chi
Co-sponsored by the Friends of the Library.
View the groundbreaking video based on Atul Gawande’s book Being Mortal.
A review of end-of-life decisions we all face, physician’s training that affects your life choices and a look at the history of elder care in the United States.
Facilitated discussion following the film with Visiting Nurse Home & Hospice staff.
For more information or to register for this program, please contact Lisa Coble at 401-682-2100 ext.1455 or lcoble@visitingnursehh.org.
John Campanini of the RI Tree Council will give a fascinating talk about our fabulous trees.
STORY TIME (for chi
STORY TIME (for chi