Meeting Hall
Grades 5-6 Book Club: Maniac Magee
Grades 3-4 Book Club: Charlotte's Web
Grades 1-2 Book Club: Nate the Great
Racism And Classism 101 workshop
Free training that explores the history of racism and classism in the US and RI.
The training includes lecture, activities, trivia, dialogue, roll-play and more.
West Reach Estates Association Annual Meeting
Annual meeting of the West Reach Estates Association
Jamestown Shores Holiday Pot- Luck Dinner
Jamestown Shores Holiday Pot-Luck Dinner.
The Public is invited.
All Program are free and open to the Public
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Meeting of the Jamestown Shores Assoication
All Programs are free and open to the public.
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Meeting of the Jamestown Shores Assoication
All programs are free and open to the Public
Beauty and the Beast (2017)
Beauty and the Beast (2017)
PG | 2h 9min | Family, Fantasy, Musical | 17 March 2017 (USA)